After finishing eating we were quite full, but happy. For working off the caloriens we got together for taking part in the smashing Banana dance in which we all made crazy moves like turning around while shaking hands. Together we sang "Go banana, go, go banana" and other strophes of this famous song, which just the germans knew.
But that was not the only game this morning. We continued with the so-called "name game", in which we got to know each other better. Everyone had to say his name and the ones of the previous participants and additionally a move we could invent. Especially for the last students that was very difficult, because they had to remember about 30 other moves and names.
So now we had to imagine we'd be the creators of a new civilisation. Many people would like to be such a creator but they're only able to be in computer games. There were given 16 persons from which we had to choose 8 ones we'd give the chance to create a society on a desert island. For example there was a pregnant teacher, a manager of a takeaway restaurant or a homosexual doctor. After choosing the persons the groups had to compare and discuss their results.
Okay, so what was the next? Ah, yes, there was a painting project. Sounds a bit childish maybe, but there really was a sense. We had to paint or draw an idea for a project which we could organize at our schools, considering the free movement of people. This part of the project was quite important, because it had to be realizable! After applying our imagination all groups presented their posters. So... mission completed!
After watching videos of Flashmobs in Bulgaria, Germany and Latvia, we had a guest. He was the Roma Leader who explained to us the situation of the Roma in Bulgaria while Savina translated his words in English that we could understand what the man was saying.
And finally at 8 o'clock p.m. we celebrated the german evening, the fun part of the day. The german participants presented their country, showed us german songs we could listen to (for example the "Fliederlied") and gave us food we could enjoy at the end. Besides "Wurst" and "Hallorenkugeln" there were lots of other sweets we could win as a prize. We played "Sackhüpfen" and "Eierlaufen", typical german games. So that's why the night was called German Evening, wasn't it?
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